September is National Recovery Month!

Happy National Recovery month! September 2021 marks the 32nd year of National Recovery Month that celebrates the millions of people in our nation who are in recovery from a substance use disorder.

Read the proclamation here:

Why is this important information for me to share with you? I am amongst the millions living a new an purposeful life in recovery. I am also a proud Collegiate Recovery Program Student Member. I choose to live my recovery story out loud because I have a passion for promoting recovery through advocacy, education, and demonstrating the power and proof of long-term recovery. Metropolitan State University has a new initiative called the Collegiate Recovery Program (CRP). It provides support and resources for students who have challenges with substance use disorders. Additionally, it supports students living in recovery both academically and professionally.

For more information on the Metropolitan State University CRP, please visit:

About ashsun43

Living my recovery story out loud! ~ Alcohol & Drug Counselor ~ *Activator*Arranger*Includer*Maximizer*Relator * Collegiate Recovery Program Student Representative

3 thoughts on “September is National Recovery Month!

  1. Hello,

    Thank you for sharing your post. I enjoyed checking out the outside sources. Addiction is a terrible disease. I did not know that September is the month of National Recovery Month! I was also unaware of the Metropolitan state CRP program, what a wonderful resource.

    Thank you,

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