Tag Archives: blogging

What Metropolis (2001 Film) Teaches Us About “Connection, Identity, and The Meaning of Color”.


Who are your main characters and what do they represent within the story?

Film is such an amazing experience to watch, create, and direct. Especially genres you’ve come to love and adore since you were a child. The interesting thing about cinema is that your able to create shorts, animations, trilogies, or movies. With each having there on merit of expertise. Franchises like the movie “Alien” hold a cultural relevance of the late 70’s and early 80’s with its visual effects mainly being prosthetics. Directed by the infamous creator, Ridley Scott and the art by H.R Giger. To the Xenomorphs, to the carefully crafted ship, to the eerie atmosphere, all stitch together a work of art. After this entry, the audience should understand the power of film, why color is such an important component to storytelling, and finally, the importance of defining your main character/characters within the narrative.

(Osamu Tezuka manga but directed by Rintaro)


Believe it or not, Metropolis has three different versions of its narrative. The common thread among all of them is economic, ecological, and technological progress. The era that is most reflected is the 1950s. This allows it to be its own unique thing in animated cinema. The first version of Metropolis was made and created by Fritz Lang in 1927. The second one was made by Osamu Tezuka. The last edition was revitalized and re-imagined by Rintaro based on the work of Osamu Tezuka in 2001. Luther and Andrew (2012) “Nevertheless, this cinematic imagining of future conditions of life continues to resonate strongly as the film keeps attracting spectators and critical attention, thereby offering us a significant opportunity to analyze the ideological foundations upon which we have constructed our notions of human society, including our approaches to ecology”.

Tima’s Beautiful Anomaly and Fated Destruction

As Tima is catapulted into the story without meaning or awareness, her radiant glow searches through the chaos. Created for one reason, but is given the opportunity to be something else. Her glow is defined as a memorable sequence for the audience to take in and remember. Brito and Cho (2017)”Color is one of the cognitive storytelling elements, its interpretation is captured by the subconscious and it is considered an emotional resource due to its psychological background. On the other hand, the character is also part of cognitive perception and storytelling tool, but this is interpreted consciously, character is considered as a logical resource”. Metropolis itself is a heavily industrialized world where technological advancement exceeds that of the human population. Making robots more suitable for it. Carefully look at the vibrant colors above the city and the dim colors below. They can be used interchangeably to define what’s important. Notice the massive buildings Rintaro displays to show expansion and clutter systematically. Tima, a few times throughout the film, is able to shine so brightly, giving vibrance to the city around her. I understand that Tima is a tool to be used and not to be treated as a human that would have their own thoughts and desires. Her revelation is learning she is not human but somewhere in between after being shot by Rock. Her silver tears represent the loss of her identity. Brito and Cho (2017) “Red conveys more anger, passion, happiness, whereas pink conveys a softness, charm, or courtesy. Moreover, in the world of animation, the color is usually used to emphasize certain objects or people in order to convey stronger feelings to the viewer. The main role played by the color within an animation is to convey emotions and feelings. However, they depend on the physical values of each individual, their social context and subjectivity of the observer. Josef Albers8)”.

As Kenichi attempts to grab onto the rageful Tima, hanging for her life, he tells her to grab his hand. This specific scene is taking place over the explosive city of Metropolis, with its red and orange hues. As the building comes crumbling down around them massive, Tima finally looks up at Kenichi, uttering the words, “Who am I?”. Having lost his grip, Tima falls to her demise with her consciousness intact instead of without. Kenichi later tries to find Tima’s remains in the vast debris below but is unsuccessful in his efforts. “Better to have loved than not at all”. 

Though there is a pan to a small red radio at the top of the wreckage. If you listen closely, you can hear Tima’s voice. Symbolizing a memory of the first time she took a liking to something outside of Kenichi. The scene is purposely placed in the sun to show Tima’s Potential greatness and earnest heart.

How is Metropolis Being Used

“Andrew and Luther (2012) “[The logical reason an] industrial capitalist society is sustainable so long as it is infused with humanism”]. You will soon learn that the main character, Tima, was the full embodiment of that ideology in theory. At the moment she met Kenichi, it was a human experience. One without control, a cosmic meeting in the making. There’s a beautiful sequence where Kenichi and Tima are trying to escape the trigger-happy “Rock” in the barracks down under. Showing their progress in a story that has yet to tell them what’s happening. Eventually in the film, it begins to snow, which seems like a very natural thing that should happen. Although it comes off as empty and desolate. Creating an atmosphere of sorrow, after they find Pero shot and killed. Andrew and Luther (2012) “We may desire a position and perspective outside of systems—ecological, political, or economic—from which to issue cautionary warnings to ourselves, but somehow the formal composition of such cautionary narratives undermines, and thereby makes visible, the impossibility of this same desire. In other words, we see in the panoramic shots of Metropolis the contradictory imagination of ourselves as exterior to and uninvolved in this place as well as interior to and complicit with it”.

Tima’s Character Design Can’t go Unnoticed

Tima’s character design is very reminiscent of the theory that pale skin, blue eyes and blonde hair are the superior race. The main traits that come from the concept are the ideas of Purity, ethereal energy, and being all knowing race of people. Think about it, the era in which they are in is severely cluttered and industrialized while still maintaining futuristic elements. Remember, Tima was made by Red Duke’s imagination and Dr. Laughton scientific prowess. To be the wife and queen of Red Dukes throne to the city. Tima’s character placement in the story is no accident from a storytelling perspective. Believe me when I say, I love this movie but it’s not something I can just ignore. Though the film does try to relieve the viewer by giving Tima interesting development throughout the movie.


Not only does Metropolis explore a possible industrial future, but it does it through color. The film is able to show you massive caverns of industrial trash that have gone unused. While at the same time showing the president’s residency above the clouds. From my analysis, Metropolis was able to explore technological advancement through a multitude of colors. There’s a specific scene where Tima is able to go into the circuit system to find Kenichi. Showing the audience beams of color, ranging from red, blue, and yellow to emphasize Tima’s prowess. The addition of jazz throughout the film also added a beautiful redesign of the environment. Changing our perception of a cluttered city. I believe the film wanted us to answer the looming questions of how we see ourselves, robots, and the environment. Colors are able to show importance within a story or growth within a character.

(Questions to think about)

How can you show progression on a character without telling the audience?

What do you think the robots represent in the film by reading the article?


Hageman, Andrew, and Luther College. “Science Fiction, Ecological Futures, and the Topography of Fritz Lang’s ‘Metropolis.’” 1Library.Co, Ecozon@, 10 Sept. 2012, https://1library.co/document/lq55n5wq-science-fiction-ecological-futures-topography-fritz-lang-metropolis.html.

Yahaira Moreno , Brito, and Cho Dong-Min. “Visual Narrative as a Color Storytelling in Disney and Ghibli Studios.” Cartoon and Animation Studies, The Korean Society of Cartoon and Animation Studies, 31 Dec. 2017, https://www.koreascience.or.kr/article/JAKO201708160569606.page.

Bridging the Gap Between Social Media and Advertisement by Accessing How Audiences Are Targeted

Quinton Miller, MDST 485 Communicating with New Media, Public Relations Major, Metropolitan State University

January 22nd, 2021

This scholarly journal keys in on the increasing popularity of CBD products. Through algorithms set for identifying certain words, this passage explains the analysis taking place surrounding the conversation concerning attitudes towards cannabinoid (CBD) and its purpose. Terms including anxiety, stress or nausea were identified as indicators for therapeutic necessities. This could help with uncovering what language companies who sell these types of products would use in their advertisements going forward. It may also provide insight into a drug policy that needs revision for places that do not allow it due to the products legality based on those first hand accounts documented from forums. This includes Cannabinol/CBD, hemp oil and Cannabis. There are pieces of qualitative data from these findings which is what some new age advertising services utilize. Not only does this tie into the cannabis sector of public relations in new media through explanation of a methodology professionals can use on social media platforms, this academic journal is relevant to us as citizens. When using social media, we often find advertisements geared towards something we’ve recently posted, viewed or talked about. The algorithm, similar to a control F function in a word document, gives an example of how our data is utilized in studies. Once we, as users of these platforms, think outside the box and consider other ways our words are used, we can conduct other research as to how social media and advertisements have played hand-in-hand.

Does this remind us of anyone who whistle blew about this in the past?

This news article was originally written in the beginning of 2018 and revised in October of 2020. This article includes a video experiment of a couple conversing about cat food to see if ads would begin to appear in relation to their conversation. They concluded that facebook had been listening for keywords in their conversations due to the fact that cat food advertisements begun appearing days later. These readings seem distant on the surface, but with a little critical analysis in the mindset of media communication, people can bridge the gap between an obvious new age of targeting methods and terminology. Both articles involve keywords instead of age groups. All users of either the forum or social media who used certain words were taken into account. Each of these had different ways and different purposes, but they could relate to the ways companies use new media to gather and target data on potential consumers.

Take a look below and try it out for yourself !


Of course this isn’t the real Edward Snowden’s instagram. (I doubt we’ll see the real Snowden on social media). This is a instagram fanpage dedicated to the man who informed the world of what the NSA had been doing.

Narcity Media, October 2020, Why You Keep Getting Ads For Things You’ve Talked About But Haven’t Searched Up Online https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.narcity.com/amp/why-you-keep-getting-ads-for-things-youve-talked-about-but-havent-searched-up-online

International Journal of Drug Policy Vol. 77, Mar 2020, Social Media Surveillance for Perceived Therapeutic Effects of Cannabinol (CBD) Products https://www-sciencedirect-com.mtrproxy.mnpals.net/science/article/pii/S0955395920300293

Winter is Coming:)

Many of you think that I’m talking about Game of Thrones, but I’m talking about the season changing. During the past winters, we ‘ve had a lot of accidents and its due to a lack of preparation for changes in the weather. This winter we can change by preparing for the coming weather i.e. fixing the road, having ice salt for the roads, and also, drivers can prepare by getting good chains for the tires or winter tires, driving at the appropriate speed limit, having a shovel in the car in case they get stuck. Posted in the Personal Injury, “Icy roads- Ice can often be difficult to see on roads, especially when it covers the road in a thin layer. This type of “black ice” is very slippery, and drivers often do not account for it during winter weather, leading to accidents when they are unable to stop or turn in time.”

“Every year, more than 1,300 people die and more than 116,000 people are injured in car crashes that occur on roads that are snowy, icy, or slushy. These conditions can make roads especially dangerous, and accidents.” – Personal Injury

In addition, the state could also help road users by placing patrol at every highway in case they need assistance. This winter we can reduce the number of accidents caused road users by following the rules and regulations set down the government and also taking some precautions by watching the news to know where to take on the highways just to avoid accidents. Many accidents that have happened in the past were caused by lack of precautions such as driving at a low speed to avoid skidding, listening to the radios to know where the real-time accidents and road blockage are, inflating tires and avoid using parking brakes.


In conclusion, many will think driving in the winter is not really safe but I think its the best time to drive because everyone gets to drive at the same pace. The winter season has its up and downs, and one of its downs is a lot of car accidents during the season. If we can follow the above precautions we can reduce the downs of the winter. Driving during the winter time takes a lot of hard work and only those that are strong enough can withstand it. I think this winter is going to be the “survival of the fittest”.





To Blog or Not to Blog?


Photo by Thomas Lefebvre on Unsplash


Audience: fellow writers, aspiring authors


As a writer, I’ve been told that I need to have a platform. For many writers, this means starting a blog. But for those of us writers who just want to write our novel and not get mired in keeping up with social media (which can be a job in and of itself), we feel that we have no options. After all, the first question we anticipate getting from a prospective literary agent is “What’s your platform?”

So I looked for advice on the web.

Why Blog—From the Writer Who Said Goodbye to Blogging covers one writer’s response to this issue. Publisher and author L.L. Barkat began years ago with myspace.com and eventually moved on to blogging to help promote her work. She found that the currency of the realm was “reciprocity” (commenting on other people’s blogs and posts to ensure she received the same). Eventually she became overwhelmed with the amount of time she was devoting to staying current with social media, and in 2012 she pulled the plug altogether. Her advice to writers was to avoid blogging from the get-go. After 6 years, she has returned to blogging, but with the caveat of turning off comments on all her posts. This has allowed her “a peaceful place for me and for my readers. And this is in line with the times.”

As an introvert, I must admit that I was immediately drawn to this concept of getting myself out there with a blog, but circumventing the draining aspects that go along with staying current. On the other hand, L.L. Barkat is an established author with an existing readership already in place, while I have yet to publish my first book. Could this also work for beginning writers?

I wanted to get another viewpoint, so I turned to our reading Social Media is Bullshit by B. J. Mendelson. He argues that social media is essentially an irrelevant waste of time, and that old-fashioned marketing advice is where you should actually begin placing your efforts:

“America is perceived as an every-man-and-woman-for-themselves kind of place, but it’s not. It’s a place where we look out for each other and take care of our own. And part of doing that is by calling out bullshit like ‘social media.’ […] The reason the generic stuff [old-fashioned marketing advice] works is it has all been done, proven, and tested since the time Jesus rode around on a Brontosaurus. On my desk right now is a second edition of How to Win Friends and Influence People. After reading almost every popular marketing book that’s come out since 2001, and this book, originally published in 1936, I can conclude one thing: If Dale Carnegie were alive today, he’d sue all these guys for plagiarism.”

Perhaps the answer lies somewhere in the middle. While I intend to begin a blog on the recommendation of the author community in general, maybe it’s also not the worst idea to reach out to local brick-and-mortar media outlets and become my own publicist (or hire one if I can afford it).



As a dental assistant, I recently turned to Google to see what I could find out about something a patient asked me about in the office.  She said she had heard from a girlfriend of hers that she could use activated charcoal as a less expensive and highly effective way to whiten her teeth at home, by brushing with it.  She wanted to know if this was true.  This wasn’t the first time I’d heard of this so I thought I’d look into it.  We advised her that brushing with it likely is too abrasive to her enamel, but didn’t have much else to say about it except to research it before trying it out.

The very first thing Google gave me was a blog post titled, How to Whiten Teeth with Charcoal, written by “Katie- Wellness Mama”, not Dr. Katie, D.D.S. which certainly would have been a more dependable source.  Out of pure amusement, I read the blog, and then oh my gosh, there’s a video, too!  I’ll admit, it was mildly entertaining watching a stranger brush her teeth with black, chunky charcoal in her home bathroom…


As much as I wanted to dislike and rag on Katie, I did appreciate that she did not claim to have all the facts, she literally just told people how to brush their teeth with charcoal, and even showed us.  And she did state, on more than one instance in the post, that she is not a medical or dental professional, but she did consult her dentist friend and mentioned that people should check with their dentist before trying to whiten with activated charcoal.  She also provided links to healthcare sites about the use of activated charcoal for food and other poisoning.  While she seemed more like a salesperson for activated charcoal, she clearly did her research and gave some good background information and explanation of why she thinks it is effective, in many situations.  However, it is still my opinion that this is a totally useless post clogging up the internet,  making it even more difficult for me to find the reputable sources of information I am searching for.

Nowadays, any person can blog about any old thing on the internet, whether it’s putting a particular spin on the facts, spreading rumors, or telling outright lies.  We also have the ability to share and spread misinformation.  It’s getting rather tricky to filter through what’s legit and what’s not.  And to make things even more challenging, there are all these algorithms and ways of limiting your search results to things that are popular or things that the internet deems useful to you based on previous searches, popular searches, and that of your social networks.  This is the age of misinformation and useless information.

Sorry Wellness Mama.

Keep your (fake) news to yourself.

It’s all THEATER: Florida high school shooting survivor caught on video rehearsing scripted lines, coached by camera man

This article kept popping up in trending news, so I had to check it out. It sounded so ridiculous, and of course it is. But people keep sharing it. See the headline, hit share- isn’t that how it goes? Not reading the actual article, but buying into the new habit of mistaking a headline for credible news, when it’s anything but. I can’t emphasize enough that people should click on these links before jumping to conclusions.

With the title of NaturalNews, the site claims to be “The world’s top news source on natural health.” So now we have a supposed natural health site claiming to be the experts on calling out fake news. Fantastic. One quick look at the page reveals liberal conspiracy theories intermingled with breastfeeding tips. If someone does click the link and still somehow determines that this is a legit news site and then shares it, that just aggravates the issues.

Curious about what else this site promotes, I clicked on this article: Did you fall for the “18 school shootings in 2018” fake news hoax? It’s a complete lie pushed by the dishonest left-wing media that hates America. One quick look at the title alone shows the strong bias and intention to sow distrust. But how many times will this headline be shared? And how much division will it cause?

Deep political division, Russian bots, fake news. We need to be careful more than ever what we are sharing. Check the source, cross-check the story. It’s so much easier to just hit the “share” button. But along with this easy source of news comes the responsibility not to use it to spread false claims. Opinions are opinions, and facts are facts. And in this case, the fact is that NaturalNews is more the site administrator’s opinions than anything else.

Our country is deeply divided, and jumping to conclusions based on mislabeled news headlines certainly doesn’t help. Stop. Read. Think. Question. Cross-check. If it seems credible, feel free to share. If not, keep scrolling. Maybe share some puppy videos. I think we’d all rather see cute happy puppies, right?