Tag Archives: Blog Post 3 – Connected Writing

Teachers Lives Matter

Why We Shouldn’t Raise Teacher Pay

This site talks about how teachers salaries shouldn’t go up because the author asserts that it would not improve educational outcomes and suggests that their focus should be on addressing other factors that affect student performance. Instead, the author contends that improving educational outcomes requires addressing issues such as curriculum quality, teacher training, and student engagement. They suggest that investing in these areas would have a more significant impact on education than simply increasing teacher salaries. Furthermore, the article discusses potential negative consequences of raising teacher pay. It argues that increasing salaries could lead to a rise in taxes or budget cuts in other areas of education, limiting resources available for other important aspects of education.

The sheer volume of what this article poses to this topic issue that doesn’t support teachers’ salaries as a profession shocks me. It seems as though society has accepted the historically low paying salary for teachers as the norm. We live in a society that simply places a low priority on the care and treatment of children unless profits are involved.

It’s past time we stopped complaining about things like the extended vacations teachers get to have and started considering the bigger picture. In order to survive, some teachers in the US must work part-time jobs because they are not paid a living wage. There should be no doubt that teachers receive appallingly low pay compared to the importance of their contributions to both our children’s future quality of life and society as a whole.

Negative impacts of social media

This article goes through how social media negatively impacts your creativity. As someone that uses social media a ton, I have to disagree with many of the perspectives. I don’t think that social media’s impact on creativity is as bad as this author makes it out to be. 


Ben believes that technology reduces creative thinking; daydreaming, concentration, attention, and patience. I think these concerns are fine but I often see people forget to point out that this is only due to how much someone may spend using technology and the wrong tkinds of technology. This is also due to how someone might be using it, we don’t have these same concerns for people that spend time on technology coding, in school or reading. This is a very specific narrative for people that use social media apps. 

Whatsapp, Facebook, Instagram and Snapchat 

Ben argues that spending so much time navigating through these apps keeps us from doing useful things like reading, exercising and socializing. I agree if you aren’t doing any of those things but during the pandemic we saw that social media is actually a tool to be able to do these things from anywhere. There are many fitness pages on social media, there are many authors and think pieces that get published daily and social media is one of the most useful tools when it comes to socializing. 


Social media is killing the truth…do you agree? I feel that’s especially in the Trump era and how easily false information or propaganda can spread. I don’t think this has to do with society but instead how as society we have a hard time dicing on what’s right and honest. This makes it so false narratives or unpopular opinions are perceived as true. If you were going to believe in false stories, the newspaper can provide that. 

Now this author Ben doesn’t completely hate or think social media is the end of creativity. He points out some positives; Social media expands our knowledge and allows us to develop work and social skills, both things can and will lead to creativity. So in the end I think it all falls in the hand of the user. Personally, social media and technology has pushed my creativity as I’m able to learn from all over the world and be inspired by the things I see online.

Do You Think Mainstream Media is more Bias than Neutral?

Well, my answer to this question is a resounding “Yes!” I will say they seem to be more bias now than ever before, at least (in my mind) it is more obvious now. When you look at this article from Fox News you will see what I’m referring to. They try to disguise it as “opinion” to act as if they are neutral but I believe if you let someone voice their opinion on your platform then you support and believe what they are saying to be fact!

Is this a professional article or an unprofessional rant?

In this article the author goes off on rant about his opinion of President Biden, pretty much calling him a useless liar.  And while I agree that this administration is not perfect and have made some questionable decisions when it comes to the economy of our country. I think it is irresponsible and unprofessional of Fox News to allow someone to disrespect the president or anybody for that matter on their website.

I believe in freedom of speech but when you are calling people names like “arrogant and Incompetent” or saying things like “no one ever actually really liked Joe Biden anyways” like a child, it is hard for me to agree or even hear what you are saying.

This is obviously politically motivated

In addition, to the media being bias I think that the people are more divided than ever before, and it is because of mainstream media and articles like this. The author claims to be speaking for everyone but consistently knocks the democratic party calling them “Far left radicals” and saying statements like “The left’s attempt to sell socialism and heavy-handed government mandates in the United States of America has been like trying to jam a square peg into a round hole – it just doesn’t fit” which shows an obvious dislike of the democratic party and the hidden agenda of this article to sway anyone that reads it to have hatred towards Biden and the Democratic party as a whole and to support the other side whatever that may be. This is not neutral!

Now, For My Opinion!

Let me start out by saying, that my opinion is if it is your job to provide the daily news then you should keep your opinion to yourself and just give us what we want “the facts!”

I wholeheartedly believe, and support, freedom of speech and human rights. And I do not think that government should have to mandate us to do anything especially when it comes to doing what is right to protect the health and welfare of our people and country.

But, I also don’t think that our pain and suffering should be used as a “political tool” to divide us more then we already are. I believe that this is a time when we should be banding together as humans to win the battle against this ugly virus (Covid).

 In my opinion (Democrat or not) the current administration is doing their best to get us through this in the midst of very trying times that were created by the previous administration. Instead of joining together as caring human beings and putting all differences aside certain people in our media and government are doing the complete opposite.

 I grew up counting on the information that was provided by mainstream media to be trustworthy, factual, and free of bias and opinion. This article is a prime example of the rhetoric that both sides of the social media coin are spewing out to the vulnerable public. I think that we as a people need to come together be an example of what it means to lift up and support each other since our “supposed” leaders and information professionals can’t!

All of the Authority, None of the Credibility

Understandably, being media literate is important. By now, most understand that the news we watch, the blogs we read, and even the personal social networks that we interact with all come from sources that have their own intentions and agendas.  

However, what I don’t think we as a people can either expect or accept is that officials from our health departments run disinformation campaigns. Health communication is not political, it is not biased, and its only intent or agenda should be to do the least damage to the greatest amount of people. Frankly, any failure to tell nothing but the 100% truth about health-related matters to the entirety of the American people should be punishable. Yet as of now, the best we have is here, where Twitter is being praised for having removed a tweet containing a completely false statement from the coronavirus task force advisor to the president, Scott Atlas. Are twitter guidelines our new checks and balances?  

The first issue here is that factually, the tweet was incorrect. 

Unfortunately, a careless tweet like this doesn’t need to be proven correct before it gets sent out for the whole world to read. These false claims not only get likes and retweets, but they spread into many smaller communities that push the same message to their members. The original tweet will go on to have snowball affects that we won’t even know the dangers of yet. Confirmation bias will cause the people of this country to go on continuing to believe false information everywhere they look. 

Secondly, the gaslighting is real. It’s one danger to tweet a lie regarding American’s health, but it’s ludicrous to lie to the American people that steps are being taken while simultaneously denouncing them. 

In addition to the removed tweet, many others from Atlas contradicted themselves as well as overall messages from health experts. First, towards the end of March, he put out a tweet comparing the US’s yearly deaths of the flu (roughly 40,000) to the current COVID-19 deaths (201) in a way to “prove” its lack of severity. Over here in reality, where we don’t claim omnipotent knowledge of diseases we personally haven’t studied, just over half a year has gone by and the death toll has surpassed 1 million worldwide. As of today, the tune has obviously changed – significantly, but not in any way that can admit fault. Today Atlas wrote “POTUS and I have always stressed all appropriate mitigation measures to save lives—incl social distancing, extra hygiene, and mask wearing when one cannot social distance.” This comes just days after saying masks do not work. 

Words cannot express how weird it feels to be told appropriate measures have been taken just 2 days after tweeting “Masks work? NO,” to his over 60,000 followers. 

Lastly, a health communication expert would never imply partial solutions without examining consequence. In a tweet today, Atlas pushed the administration’s “strategy” of protecting seniors and opening all school and work. Saying you’ll protect seniors (how noble), regardless of how aggressively you aim to do so is an empty promise considering there are 1) many other populations whom are seriously vulnerable, 2) the elderly and other vulnerable populations often live with others that would then be going out to work and school and unable to avoid bringing the virus home, and 3) these populations need money to survive. Are we paying them to stay home? If not, your promises are as baseless as having a job consulting on a global pandemic when you’re a neuroradiologist. 

Blog post #3


This article is a perfect example of a dangerous article to read. Its simple factual and provides a simple narrative. A man after being questioned by police about a murder left to murder a man at his ex-girlfriends house and then a police officer firing multiple rounds into the officers back. Every single paragraph is condemning in fact you would be hard pressed to find a sentence that does not condemn the suspect. The narrative is convincing and works hard to fulfill our expectations on previous criminal activity resulting in more crime and deaths. They quote him threatening police from years before and drug activity as far back as 2001. they include a statement “Civil court records also showed no signs that Kato’s girlfriend or anyone else had requested temporary protection from abuse, the newspaper reported” which on the one hand exonerates him of something wrong on the other hand Immediately associates him with more crime. Now in none of this do I mean to imply that he dident do anything they described or that his behavior is justified merely that there is an entirely untold story here. Despite all this information we have no understanding of his motives or experiences. We have data as far back as 18 years ago but no representation about why or what he was trying to accomplish. Whether he is guilty or innocent it is still important that we hear both sides of the story. This for me is less about finding out right and wrong more so if we look into learning about these events we should at least understand something about what is going on not carefully selected facts. Lets learn and understand what we read about not just hear a caricature what of what happened even if it doesint free or condom anyone.

The YES Men … and Why I say NO Sir.

The YES Men are led by two gentlemen who utilize organized chaos to disrupt, discredit or otherwise disarm seemingly untouchable organizations that covet stock holder approval and profits above all else. In the age of social media, the platform of choice is clear … the information super highway. They have perfected the art of impersonation, creating fake web sites, spreading false rumors and making fictional press releases; all in the name of making waves for those they feel have wronged “the people” in some way. Those waves have come in the forms of white caps to tsunamis for those in the YES Men’s cross hairs. This all seems like a noble cause and quality entertainment, I don’t disagree with this, not on the surface.

On their Website the first thing you see is a very patriotic looking bird creature. (Not quite an eagle, see below.) Immediately for me I feel like it is a Right-wing propaganda satirical website that is going to be calling me a snowflake in the first click of the mouse. It is very misleading. After much digging, video watching and combing through of their archives it is discovered that provoking that form of knee jerk response from their readers is probably a bonus inside joke that they get to share around the water cooler every time they get a new click on their site. I am not a fan of being the butt of a joke, but whatever, I can get over it if these guys are trying to dupe billionaire con artists out of their ill-gotten gains, even if it is just a fraction of their coins … we’ll take what we can get.

What the heck is this thing anyway?

I am not a fan of the political satire, fake news or “using humor and trickery to expose the truth” for a one big reason … it has gotten out of control. There was a certain amount of credibility to the news at one time; there was a code of ethics behind the business. Satire was a whole separate business, MAD magazine never tried to pass itself off as real news. Now in the age of social media there is no control, anyone can say anything and pass it off as whatever they want. It has gotten to the point that it isn’t just the uneducated individuals that are being fooled by fake news anymore. People in power are science deniers because they read online somewhere that climate change was a hoax. When poking fun confuses to the point that people stop paying attention you have become part of the problem. I understand that they think they are getting back at these “monsters of capitalist America” in the only way they think hurts them IN THE WALLET and they are probably right that it can take them down a peg temporarily. However, if nature has taught us anything you can only poke a bear so many times before you get mauled no matter how noble your cause. These elitists believe themselves to be above the law of the land and the system is designed to support that behavior so two dudes from the web, poking fun and making waves might find themselves out either in the surf without a board to ride or in the woods running from the bear that just wont take one more Poke. Good luck either way boys. I’ll be over here trying to actually do something constructive.

Gender Bias


Gender Bias is a discrimination that often goes unnoticed on a day to day basis. This Bias has been push through each generation from early history when all women would stay at home to care for the family and house while the man went to work to provide the income for the family. For history to have a period of time like that creates a bunch of stereotypes for what boy and girl should be and act like from an early age. It was up until the nineteenth century when women were allowed to partake social life, education, and politics.gender These ideas where pushed through movements like Christianity and the age of enlightenment. It has taken women movements and acts from the government for women to be respected by institutions of the government. Although women are still fighting to this present day to still have equality between men and women. Our history allows us to see there has always been separation of fair equality between men and women. Overall both of these links below talk about gender bias in different and similar ways but both educate you on gender bias in the world today. They both also touch on how gender bias has progressed over the years and through movements.




Cannabidiol—CBD  is a chemical compound in cannabis that is beneficial from a medical standpoint. It gives people the medical benefits of cannabis, without getting the “high” or “stoned” feeling. CBD is still paving way for acceptance but has still has a stigma since it derives from the marijuana plant.

There has been tons of testing done on the benefits of CBD especially when we talk about seizures and general body inflammation. The major break through right now with Minnesota Medical Solutions is that they have developed a more potent strain of marijuana to extract CBD from. This is a vital procedure because it cuts production costs by making it easier to produce the plants, and making it cheaper to refine CDB from. Since Minnesota is one of the most restrictive states with medical marijuana it is a great opportunity to get rid of another obstacle standing in the way of patients in need of medicine that isn’t as harsh, and  providing an alternative solution to their medical needs.

Image from: https://grandvalleyhempinfusions.com/what-is-cbd/

From my point of view on CBD, if there is a medical solution with out experiencing the intoxicating aspects of marijuana it should be used medically. It has very minimal or close to none side effects and can help a large sum of our population. Obviously we still have a long journey on the way to legalization on both state and federal levels, but having medical CBD available is a step closer to legalization.

PDF on CBD testing results: https://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/1250/8949/files/GRLabSheetPacketOctober.pdf?12689755168953608911/

StarTribune Article: http://www.startribune.com/minnesota-medical-marijuana-manufacturer-hopes-new-plant-will-push-down-prices/362716951/

Minnesota Medical Solutions website: http://minnesotamedicalsolutions.com/






Connected communities and visibility

Connected Communities and visibility

I will present two blogs that I have been following for more than a month.
They are https://blog.sleepnumber.com/ and https://blog.mnreadingandmathcorps.org/

The Sleep Number Blog stated that it was the Official Founding Partner for the Super bowl NFL season and dedicated last week’s articles to how athletes need a restful sleep and what kind of sleep number settings helped them achieve maximum rest. They also communicated their Sleep Number Station with full-on activation at Nicollet Mall and engaged the public who came to visit and sleep on their Sleep Number Setting beds.

In their blog articles, they touch upon various aspects of life that deeply relates to have a sound sleep. It can be as simple as a bedtime routine, to cutting out caffeine, to eating the right kind of food, to decorating your bedroom to make it look comforting. Or it can be as complex as Sleep program accreditation and assessments which are scientifically proven. The blog does a thorough job of investigating all aspects of Sleep as a Science,
an Art, and a biological rhythm of everyday living.

The blog subtly promotes the Sleep Number beds but not in an overtly in your face marketing campaign. It talks convincingly about the Sleep Number bed and how it can help you stay healthy through life’s ups and downs. I like to read this blog because they have a Book Club and showcase interesting books to read. This scores maximum brownie points for me along with other well-written articles. It has a subscription list as all blogs and also has shareable content. I liked the blog because it covers almost all aspects of sleep and has an authentic voice and a delightful online presence.

The Minnesota Reading and Math Corps Blog

The second blog that I loved is the Minnesota Math and Reading Corps blog.
It is a simple blog with no fashionable art or sophistication. It speaks out to me, because serving in Reading Corps for four years was significant milestone in my life. It also salutes those who have served and currently serving. It is a blog of service to young children and how each member has his/her own story of triumph.
(https://blog.mnreadingandmathcorps.org/2016/05/learning-and-growing-together.html?view=snapshot) That is me and my 2 minutes of Reading Corps glory. This blog places it’s focus entirely on the Tutors without any distraction or deviation. You may ask why is this so? It is because the Tutors are the ambassadors of the Program.
The Program has its independent website which has all details of the application process to become a Tutor and the works. The blog is completely dedicated to the individuals who bring the program to life. These tutors come from diverse backgrounds, but with one mission: To make a difference in the lives of children. The blog does an excellent job of delivering it in a direct and powerful manner.

In my analysis of the two blogs, I think they are creative hubs or online stations where the brand experience is communicated in a singular strategy. The Sleep Number Blog talks about the multifaceted phenomenon of “Sleep” and the Minnesota Reading Corps Blog talks about “Tutoring as a lifetime experience”.
The blog is available to a global community and you can reap the benefits of learning more about sleep patterns or the joys of being a tutor simultaneously. It is incredible how blogs are changing the way we experience life through the eyes of other’s who are sharing their experience and information.

The Lack of Sleep During Your College Years

If you stop and ask a college student if they’ve ever pulled an “all-nighter” to study for a test, or to write that last minute paper the response is likely, “Yes”. I know during the years I’ve been in school I’ve sacrificed a lot of sleep due to my procrastination and poor study habits.  The relationship college students have with sleep is something that needs to be improved in the years to come. According to Shelley Hershner and Ronald Chervin 50% of all college students report daytime sleepiness and 70% report they attain insufficient sleep. Those numbers are quite high, but not shocking to most. The lack of sleep for college students attribute to lower grade point averages, higher rates of car accidents, and possible failure of college classes.  Not only do GPAs and academic success hinge on the amount of sleep a college student gets, but the lack of sleep also attributes to altered, negative moods.

One reason college students attain insufficient sleep is simply because there is so much going on around college campuses. Both academically and socially, students can be overwhelmed with the prioritization of their needs.  Living in a college dorm is a blessing and a curse. Each pair of roommates have a different schedule and a different set of priorities. As the years go on, it seems as though self-care and wellness seem to go by the wayside. To fix this problem, the path is a two-way street. Universities need to adjust policies and engage in campus outreach to spread the message that sleep is exceptionally important to a student’s academic success. Also, students need to realize how much of their success hinges on getting the appropriate amount of sleep.


Read further:
Sleep Study

Is Sleep Deprivation The New Norm?