Tag Archives: communications

Is social media the communication method of the future?


My goal for my third post is to discuss if social media is going to continue to be the communication method of the future. The third topic I would like to discuss is the future for social media and what that means for communication. My audience for this posting would be anyone who uses social media, students and teachers in this class, anyone in the communication field and anyone who uses social media for communication.

This week’s reading discusses communication for development. It says that ‘mobile phones have created opportunities that we never dreamt of and two-way communication is exploding all over the internet.’ Do you think that social media can assist in developing communication for the future?

I, myself am not so sure. I think it’s gotten to the point where communication has felt like it has become so impersonal. When people see their phone ringing for a phone conversation they will deny the call, then proceed to text that person, did you call in hopes of avoiding a phone conversation. I have personally noticed this at work with both myself and co workers. We rely so heavily on email, texting and other impersonal modes of communication that we do anything we can to avoid people coming into the office and phone conversations. My boss will kindly have to remind all of us that email is good to track infromation but there is definitely a time and place that a phone call or in person meeting is warranted and that we shouldn’t forget that.

In addition, with technology continuing to advance, it’s increasing the unique ways we can communicate with one another. For companies, according to getvoip.com, this includes but not limited to live chat or video call option with staff on websites, opt-in text messaging notifications, mobile friendly account access, 24 hour customer service, social media personality. I have used the live chat option on clothing websites and am a huge fan. I feel that it get’s the information I need quicker and makes me feel taken care of.

It’s unsure of social media will continue to be the communication method of the future but I think from the way things have been going there is a strong chance that it will continue on that path.

Communication Through Social Media

Audience: Millennials

Through history our communication technique’s and skills have changed and evolved because of social media. There was a time where the internet was not around and the way we communicated was strictly through phone, letter or a face to face interaction. Social media has changed the way  we will forever communicate with people, friends and family from all over the world.

One thing researchers focused on was the personal barrier that is broken down through social media. People venting and releasing their problems on social media has became a normal thing. So before social media people wouldn’t have a conversation with their coworker’s about personals things. Although now with social media and people already having those things out there makes the conversation more approachable. Another point they focused on was how communication has changed though social media and how we short phrase everything. We have developed new words for other words or instead writing out words we abbrievate for example I don’t Know instead we would say idk which would be its short phrase. Some researchers have talked about how these things can actually be negative in the academic environment with performance because this is not the proper communication style. Although should schools have a focus on this new age communication because it may not be going  anywhere? Also a point researchers focused on was the access to communicate with thousands of people from around the world is what makes communication through social media so great. This gives us ability to reach a bigger audience and interact with more people. In Chapter 5 Castell talks about the influence of technology and internet how big of impact it will play into our culture. We have all seen changes that is already happen to our culture and there will continue to be changes for how we communicate through social media we just hope they help our culture in a positve way.


Social Media’s Influence On Communication

How has social media changed the way we engage?

Well, in a lot of ways to be honest.  Looking at the evolution of social media over the last decade has been somewhat of a whirlwind.  The dawn of the smart phone era has kick started the largest technological mobilization in human history. We are connected to the internet, in some way, almost 100% of our lives.  According to the link above on of the biggest reasons why our interactions are changing is simply due to the number of people we interact with. We now seem to care about that over-the-top social media posts from that guy you sat next to in 10th grade Biology class. Why? Because we are connected on social media! Seems pretty simple, but the general direction of our ever increasing interconnected lives is not slowing down. One of the main goals of social media is to bring people together. So is the erosion of our communication boundaries really a bad thing? I guess it depends how you use social media and how you shape your identity around your use of social media.  According to the author’s opinion the lack of filters on our communication come at a price. I would have to agree. The level of toxicity on the internet is at an all time high. However, the amount of communication being distributed and received on the internet is at an all time high as well.  Perhaps, humans have always held these extremely toxic views but had no way of expressing that message, much less have a platform to broadcast it world wide.

Similar to my last post about this topic, I took a look at a few required readings for MDST485 course. I found myself connecting the points made in Castell’s Network Society Ch. 5. – Castell describes culture of real virtuality. He argues that the enormous influence and the sheer level of importance technology and the internet have on our lives have pushed elements of our existence into the virtual realm.  There is no doubt that this is true.  The amount of time we spend on the internet is increasing each year, the use of social media platforms are always increasing, and yet we still seem to be incapable of conversing with one another respectfully.  I don’t want to believe that we are at the beginning of what will be the fall of our society but if we do not take time to realize what social media is doing to us, we simply have no chance.

Do you prepare?

(Audience: MDST485 – Goal: get their wheels turning)

Let me ask you a question.  What do you think is one of the top things that make successful people, well, successful?  I have one word for you.  Preparation.  I’ve read countless self-developement books, listened to many speeches, to many sermons, and they consistently and repeatedly talk about preparation.  If there is no preparation, the probability of success is rare.  Ask anyone.  David Meerman Scott also talks about preparation in chapter 17 of ‘The New Rules of Marketing & PR.’  He talks about the preparation of podcasting. In this chapter, he quotes the producer of ‘Marketing Over Coffee,’ who was asked how one gets started with a podcast.  His response; “I’ve found the most important thing is show preparation.”

Please tell me you all have listened to a podcast… at least one episode, even though I don’t know how you could stop at just one! If you have AND have an iPhone, the below icon should look very familiar to you.  For me, it’s the most used app on my phone. And now one of my dreams is to host my own podcast someday.  David Meerman Scott, I’m holding on to every word you write about podcasting.  (Fingers crossed!)

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I encourage two things out of you in the coming weeks.  The first thing is to start preparing for your future, in whatever way that looks like.  Write down your goals for the next year, three years, five years.  Start a new hobby by jotting down all that interests you.  Summer is coming, what are some things you want to be sure you do? Prepare for what’s to come. Prepare for YOUR successful future.

Secondly, start listening to podcasts, or if you already do, try a new one that could better your life, bring a smile to your face, push you to see a different perspective, hear stories on those who have it much, much worse than you, or literally countless more.

Stay tuned for my future blogs.  I’ll give you some intriguing recommendations. You can count on it.

Rising of Podcasts

The audience is those interesting in new media and podcasting. The goal is to show the rise of podcast.

Podcast are amazing! I love podcast. I love love love podcast. So many diffrent podcast with different topics. As we continue with new media, podcast are a growing medium from the individual to the people. It helps with car rides, waiting for the bus, waiting for class to start and so on. It’s a way for information or entertainment, probably both.

The rise of podcast is real. Mark Trainer stats in a recent study that 40 percent of Americans have listened to a podcast and 24 percent have listened to one within the past month of the Survey.

Podcast are great. It is an amazing way to get information and be entertained. It’s also relatively easy to start one. David Meerman Scott list some fundamentals of starting a podcast in The New Rules of Marketing & PR: show preparation, record when near computer, mobile recording gear, phone interviews, editing your audio files, postproduction editing, tagging audio, hosting and distribution, promotion, and companion blog.



As communication majors, college students who are ready to graduate, we know the importance of networking. Although it is nerve wrecking and can be complicated at times, this post will serve as ease and show you the significant impact networking can have on your career.

Lets be real..networking isn’t on the top of our to-do lists. It can be intimidating, and some people don’t even know where to start. According to the San Jose State University School of Information networking is defined as, “establishing relationships with people who will often become your friends and community of colleagues as you go through your career.” Connecting with your peers and colleagues is a significant part in the networking process which can help you attain the dream job that you need. As the old saying goes, ‘sometimes it’s who you know’ and not what you know that can give you that job that you’ve been hunting for a long time. In other words, it’s imperative to understand why networking is beneficial when it comes to not only finding a job, but also getting promotions and moving up a ladder in your career.

In the book The New Rules of Marketing and PR by David Meerman Scott he mentions that “We should rethink our notions about who can best spread our ideas and tell our stories.”  (Scott 2017) It really comes down to how willing someone is to find people who are interested in your ideas and get your information out. Building on the relationships you have with your friends, colleagues, and classmates can simply be an essential part in advancing your career. As an individual you must get out of your comfort and reach out to people, not only for jobs but it should be a daily part of your career related efforts. You never know when you will need your career network.