Bottled or Tap?

I created the given graphic back in 2018 when I was still a high school student. It shows a quick report of the pros and cons between bottled and tap water in the U.S. Tap water has been the ideal resource to consume however this was not true in all places specifically Flint, Michigan, and Jackson, Mississippi, … — to learn more of (recognized) other places in U.S. read this article. 

In addition, places that had access to safer water may not have the same accessibility or have been consuming contaminated water

The video by PBS NewsHour discussed how the contaminants have long existed from agricultural practices, chemicals used in products, and overall pollution by humans — additional video

So, should we convert to consuming bottled water now?

That’s a great question! 

To be fair, I want to recognize that many communities suffering from a water crisis, will choose bottled water over tap. I believe that taking action that is convenient and that makes total sense given their situation, is a solution that we, outside the community, have no right to criticize for. 

On-going solutions when dealing water crisis and water contaminants are; 

  • water conservation
  • water restoration
  • managing water waste
  • passing bills and protection acts
  • water treatments (city-wide and/or done by house)

( Sources: 1 and 2)

I feel optimistic because recently the Biden-Harris Administration announced taking legal actions for protection by investing in detection and treatments

That will solve the bottled or tap water problems.

Are you curious about the water quality in your area? Visit this website

Article to think about Q&A: Stanford water experts outline how the Biden administration can secure safe drinking water for all

Reusable Menstrual Products

Hi, hello, hi!! It is I, here named “yc” and here, you can go through my presentation with me titled, “A Friendly Knowledge about Reusable Menstrual Products (RMP).

Before we start, I want to share some personal information with you all so you have some ideas about what I was working on before transferring here to Metro. I was a student at St. Catherine University (SCU) for 3 ½ years so I had many of my experiences there. I was majoring in Environmental Studies and minoring in Communication Studies.

Info #1: I was a Co-President of the OAKS club which stands for “Outdoor Active Katies for Sustainability” OAKS’ goal is to create a community where people can be physically, emotionally, mentally, and socially active about the Earth’s importance, beauty, wonders, crises, and more. We wanted to form this community because when people are more connected to the Earth, to each other, and to themselves, they have a high tendency to take care of the overall well-being of all.

Info #2: I worked as one of the two Sustainability Coordinators at the SCU campus and one of our tasks is to educate and promote both the student and staff community about sustainability.

Info #3: I am an Environmentalist and I deeply care about the whole earth, about you, about me, and about the future. I have been gaining more knowledge about sustainability and taking small actions to reduce my carbon footprint. Small actions such as reducing my water consumption;

  • Buying fewer clothes, opting towards thrifting, swapping clothes with family and friends
  • Using bidets instead of toilet paper
  • Using cloth towels/napkins instead of paper towels/napkins
  • Taking cold showers!

There is still a lot to learn!

Info #4: I have been using Reusable Menstrual Products (RMP) for several years. And one of my moms made the shift to only using RMP together! It was a shift to greatness! Since the shift, she personally has not purchased anything else! But I on the other hand have purchased a few things, such as period underwear for myself and for my friends and period shorts for sleeping.

Speaking of Reusable Menstrual Products or RMP, what are they, yc?!

For starters, this might be your first time hearing about “Reusable Menstrual Products” or you’ve heard and seen it around but never really paid close attention to it because it didn’t seem normal. That is okay because I was in that position, as a user of “Reusable Menstrual Products,” and along with people who currently use it! You are good! 🙂

I do hope this presentation can enlighten you with fun and useful information. One of my goals is to de-stigmatize periods by presenting presentations like this and having discussions with people in the communities.

*I do want to point out that if you are a person who doesn’t menstruate, and who finds this topic depressing and stressful, your feelings are valid and I respect your feelings. I want to say that you are precious, no matter if you do or do not menstruate. 

There are three kinds of RMP, they are pads, cups, and period underwear.

For the remaining slides, it will only contain a slideshow of the slides with relevant content. You will receive an outro without any last comments from me. So here is my last comment for this blog, thank you!

Benefits of Taking a Gap Year

Gap year is a duration of time when individuals took a break from their academics. Its main purpose is for the individuals learn how to advocate for themselves. 

Some examples are (but not limited to);

  • a time to take a break to reduce stress, 
  • to regulate needed actions, 
  • to manage urgency, valuable, and priority matters,
  • to explore new ideas or new interests,
  • to reflect one’s experience,
  • to save up financially,
  • to reintroduce an identity that was lost, and/or forgotten,
  • to realize their talents, skills, and values,
  • to create plans to reach their goals,
  • to examine and define what brings joy and fullfilment.

In the two website below, it does not only explained what gap year is but it also provided other options and resources to use and be aware of. 

Taking a Gap Year: Everything You Need to Know

What is a Gap Year? Is it Right For You? Here’s Everything You Need to Know

A nonprofit global wilderness school, was once called National Outdoor Leadership School. Now known as NOLS, provided statistics about how gap year programs impacted college success. 

In this blog, it discussed about a survey study, that  95% of survey participants said their gap year experience prepared them to be successful in their next step, whether that be college, graduate school, or the workforce.

The survey study that was mentioned gently showed the participants, the opportunities and challenges, and suggestions for future programs and study. They laid out the information in such an accessible matter of understanding.

Photo Credit:

Can we start taking actions that benefit the well-being of people, rather than continue to make unreasonable excuses?

Daylight-Saving Time (DST) is a system done by certain countries and/or states around the world where time is adjusted by an hour to provide “extended” daylight hours. To have a better understanding of the system, read about it or watch a video

An important piece of information to point out is that the countries that are farther away from the equator, tend to use the DST system as the tilt position creates the difference in the amount of daylight that can come through. However, the countries that are closer to the equator experience no differences in daylight as the position is mostly the same throughout the year (since they get the most light from the sun year-round).

When DST is in use, everyone’s routine becomes disordered because of the time difference. Additionally, many studies have shown that DST increases health risks, high rates of vehicle accidents, and depression continues its exponential growth. The government continued the system despite receiving factual information about the DST’s harmful effects. Unfortunately, the reason behind this is economics, a social science that studies people’s relationships with demands, supplies, and profits. 

In recent events, the Sunshine Protection Act was proposed for permanent DST. Instead of changing the time twice a year, it will only be changed once a year. The Act is currently not active, and I feel anxious about it. The Sunshine Protection Act for me is one step closer to acknowledging people’s health over profit. Any small change is progress. 

For more information look through these pages; “The History of Daylight Saving Time,” “How Daylight Saving Time Impacts your Sleep – and What to Do about it,” and “The Dark Side of Daylight Saving Time – What You Need to Know”.

Photo Credit:

Sailing the Grand Line! Why One Piece is an Amazing Anime Adventure (Add this to you watch list today)

One Piece focuses on a world that is both rich as well as capturing. The many islands that the main characters visit, the Grand Line, and the New World are filled with odd people, animals, and past events. The author creates a universe that feels unreal by creating a unique world that has different settings and plots.

One Piece stands out for its ability to develop characters that the viewer can relate to on a deep level. Every character, from the main character Monkey D. Luffy to the strange characters such as Nico Robin. The author successfully builds sincere backstories that force you to follow these pirates on their adventures on an emotional level.

One Piece is about more than just the search for the treasure. It is also about the journey itself and the friendships made along the way. The story’s theme of friendship, self-determination, and pursuing one’s dreams speak to viewers of all ages. The Straw Hat crew’s search for the unknown One Piece turns into a symbol for the journey of life, encouraging viewers to follow their goals and overcome challenges with the help the people close to them.

One Piece is famous for its amazing, fight scenes that point out the characters’ skill as well as their ability to fight. Devil Fruits, Haki, and the creative application of weapons come together to create an exciting diverse fighting system that keeps people on the edge of their seats.

One Piece is a must-watch anime that provides a unique blend of adventure, friendship, and epic storytelling. The series focuses on the adventures of Monkey D. Luffy and his pirate crew as they search for  the one piece.

5 Reasons Why You Should Buy a Tesla Today!

For those who are thinking about buying a new car, here are five good reasons for why buying a Tesla could be the best decision you make for your future.

Tesla cars are popular for their outstanding electric performance. These vehicles provide an outstanding driving experience thanks to their very fast strength and speed. Say goodbye to traditional gas cars and welcome a new era of high-performance, green vehicles.

The Autopilot function provided by Tesla is a big advancement in car technology. Experience the safety and convenience of semi-autonomous driving, which will improve travel efficiency and make long drives more enjoyable. Also, the regular software upgrades make sure your Tesla maintains the top spot in self-driving technology.

The environmental benefits of Tesla vehicles are one strong argument in favor of purchasing one. Since Tesla cars run entirely on electricity, they have no emissions at all. You can fight climate change by lowering air pollution and carbon dioxide emissions by driving a Tesla. Tesla has led the movement toward electric cars with its commitment to reliability, providing a cleaner alternative than traditional gas powered cars

One thing that has always set Tesla apart from the competition is the fact that the company was a pioneer in growing the range of its vehicles. Because of their short range and lengthy charging times, electric cars have always encountered major challenges . But Tesla has succeeded in making its vehicles so much more convenient by increasing their range.

Even though a Tesla may seem like a big purchase, over time, the total cost of ownership can turn out to be less than a regular gas car. Electric vehicles usually need less maintenance because they have fewer moving parts, and people can save a lot of money on fuel over time.

In conclusion a Tesla is an investment in the future , not just a car to buy. With its modern technology and commitment to environmentally friendly practices, Tesla provides a driving experience that is amazing to people who decide to invest in it. If you want to change your driving experience, you should think about getting a Tesla!


Greetings one and all. The semester is officially over after midnight tonight. I thought it might be nice to review past foraging successes and experiences. Some times you go into the woods knowing the conditions have been favorable and find nothing. Other times the only two things that you accomplish is a nice walk in the woods and a lovely romp for the dogs. Oh look how lovely the woods can be.

Top left, Blu. Bottom right, Mindy Lou

There was one particular trip last year that was particularly auspicious. I present to you the mother load of foraging.

Left to right, oysters, shrimp, chicken, and a new one for you
Hen of the Woods

We have not discussed Hen of the Woods so I will give you this link and you can learn for yourself ;

When I started foraging I was taking my dogs to the woods almost everyday for a romp and my friend, another earth mother type, spoke of blueberries, wild asparagus, juniper berries, and of course mushrooms. On one beautiful sunny afternoon we took to the woods in search of morels, we didn’t find those but get a look at my first real blush of Chicken of the Wood (COW)

August 2018 started my Uber fascination with foraging

They don’t usually grow like this in my experience. It is more likely you will find them growing like;

Beautiful COW

This was found first in 2021 by the wizard of mushroom location, you guessed it from the very first post, the Walter!n when you locate a fruiting body, that just sounds kind of weird doesn’t it? I prefer to call it a blush. Anyway, it is like the flower on a perennial, the rest of the “plant” (it is considered a vegetable) is under the bark, don’t disturb the bark. Carry a knife for harvesting and cut it off. It will blush or flower again at about the same time next year. We went back in ‘22 and ‘23 and harvested again!

COW is the best beginner mushroom because it has no look alike and it is hard to miss. It also comes in white so don’t be surprised. The best thing about this mushroom in my opinion is that it is easy to freeze, just slice it into the pieces you think you’ll use and put it on a sheet pan in the freezer then store in an airtight container. You will have the through the winter.

I don’t have a picture of my first Lions Mane so I’ve scavenged this from the internet;

Courtesy of : Lions Mane image

This is one heck of a mushroom. Great substitute for seafood, it is nutritious and high in many vitamins. The best part, to me, is the benefits to brain function. It increases focus and has scientifically been found to diminish dementia. All of that growing right here topside. This is one of the things I love about mushrooms, they have so many practical applications and it is not platitudes for the plant nor an old wives tales since science is proving what those old wives knew all along. Look it up at

I have so much more to share. Next really is the winter mushroom post so hang on. As Arnold said I’ll be back, with more info and thought provoking antidotes about the ever humble mushroom.

Yours in foraging,

For Halloween I like to be Earth Mother. You should see my 1960’s MuMu

Another Day… Another Mushroom!

We have entered the dark days of winter. Most mushrooms have gone dark this time of year as well. I still walk in the woods looking because there are many fungi that don’t mind the cold and then there are those that require the cold to grow. I saw a video once of a fella harvesting morels in snow, I don’t know about that! Never have I doesn’t mean never has.

But I digress, here I am leaving the Mennonite store where I bought my fresh turkey (yum) on a cold dreary November day. I turn out of the drive and slowly start down the road and WHOA! Did I just see what I thought I saw? No, it couldn’t be, so I turn around. I’m looking over to see the impossible thing I had seen, no luck. All the fields are brown now and it almost blends right in. I turn around when I get back to the Mennonite drive way and drive back this time very slowly and THERE IT IS! A beautiful blush of mushrooms. I must investigate.

Imagine a beautiful blush of mushrooms right here. Unfortunately in my excitement I neglected to snap the shot. Still, yay me!

I grab a bag and off I go. I had to crawl down into a four foot deep muddy ditch, mind you I am not dressed for this unexpected blessing, well I hope its a blessing, not sure yet if the mushrooms are edible. Anyway, I crawl down one side land in about an inch of water and have to pull myself up through mud on the other to get to these little beauties. Luckily there was a tree stump, where the mushrooms are growing, I was able to latch on and pull myself up. Uh oh, Houston? We have a problem! This side of the ditch is so steep I have to hold on to the stump with one hand and try to pick the mushrooms with the other. Not an easy task I can tell ya. Got it!

Here I am back down in the ditch with mushroom in hand, I pull out my camera for the Mushroom ID app as cars go whizzing by. I can only imagine what I look like. A woman standing by the side of the road in a ditch taking pictures of something in her hand. Now I have an ID, winter Oyster Mushroom, a choice winter edible, I am unbelievably happy.

It is now time to pick some of the these beautiful babies. I have to figure out how to do it. I am just over five feet, standing in a four foot ditch and I need to reach these mushrooms that are about a foot and half taller than I am and about a foot back growing on the tree stump. I. will. Not. be denied! I try holding on to the stump again to pull myself up but the ground is too wet and I slide back down. There’s only one thing for it, I’m on my knees using the toes of my boots for purchase one hand reaching for the tree, the other clawing the ground to make it up high enough to really hang on to the stump. By golly I made it, barely, and my grip is tenuous. I start grabbing for mushrooms, I love to pull them intact but that just isn’t happening this time, I’m already sliding!

Where they grew. Some old ones in the back, and my harvest. 2 pounds at least. I’m so happy!

Well, here I am back down in the bottom of the ditch, but, I have mushrooms! And quite a haul if I say so myself. Not bad I think and turn around squishing my fine boots in the mud and look at the road side of the ditch, there ain’t no way I can make it back up there I say to myself. I know it was me because I recognized my voice. I start the trek down the ditch to find a rise in the ditch that isn’t a 30 degree pitch (that is steep by the way). I didn’t have to go too very far, only about a quarter of a mile, what?

Back side of the stump. Beautiful but likely dry and tough

I slog up the embankment muddied but quite pleased with myself. My hands are filthy, my boots have caked mud on them, and my jeans are just about soaked. But! I have my mushrooms. Now in my excitement I forgot to take pictures for you, my loyal friends. I knew there were some over ripened ones on the other side of the stump. I look at myself and I say, I know it was me because I recognized my voice, “you can’t get any dirtier,” what the heck (not exactly the word I used but, you get it). My public needs me. I try using the zoom on my phone so there is no more ditch diving, no luck. Here I go back down into the ditch, throwing caution to the wind this time. I practically jump in and then crawl my way up again reaching around the other side of the stump phone in hand this time to take a quick picture. Dang it, not even close, up I go again, more determined than ever and thank the sweet baby Jesus I did it.

Fast forward to today. The mushrooms have all been eaten and all I have are the above sweet memories and some pictures I managed to snap. Until the next installment from the crazy mushroom lady and her cohorts in crime I wish you all the happiest of holidays no matter what you celebrate. Susan


I Love Thee Little Mushroom

Mushroom Mania

Benefits of eating mushrooms are in the news! Categorized as vegetables there are so many fungi in the world we haven’t discovered them all. Scientists have documented the benefits of mushrooms for decades. Mushrooms can improve brain function and focus, highly important for we who are pursuing scholarly paths, however, anyone can benefit from them. Scripps has produced a nice introduction to the medicinal benefits;

Mushrooms are a reliable source of:

• B vitamins, which help to provide energy from foods, and form red blood cells

• Vitamin D, which helps maintain and build strong bones

• Antioxidants, which help protect cells from damage and inflammation that might lead to chronic diseases

• Potassium, which helps maintain healthy blood pressure

• Fiber, which helps feed the friendly bacteria in the digestive system

• Copper, a mineral that helps form red blood cells and keep bones and nerves healthy


Today I am featuring a mushroom commonly known as Chicken of the Woods (COW), scientific name Laetiporus. COW is great for beginners because it is easily recognized, wide spread, and has no poisonous look alike. This is a mushroom that tastes just like chicken especially when it is breaded and fried. Some of the well documented health benefits include;

Young Chicken of the Woods, nicknamed COW

“In addition to its antioxidant, antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, anti-carcinogenic, and diabetes and hormone-regulating properties, chicken-of-the-woods is just plain delicious. Use some as a substitute in your favorite chicken dishes and enjoy knowing that you’re also consuming its many health benefits as well.” COW aka Chicken of the Woods

Your crazy mushroom lady Susan.


Giddy Up!

Giddy Up!

What do mushrooms and saddles have in common? Well you might be surprised. First of all there is mushroom leather. It has been in use for a decade and is the alternative for leather, what they call “vegan leather.” I know, I thought vegan leather? What is that other than a poly product? Think Pleather, or a vinyl product. Nope, this is made from the leftovers of the oyster mushroom industry. Oyster mushrooms are some of the easiest mushrooms to cultivate.

Saddles are made from leather, right? But that is not the commonality of which I write. There are couple of different “saddle mushrooms.” there is this cute little one with the common name of elfin saddle, this particular mushroom does not look much like a saddle to me. However there is the dryads saddle. This was on my bucket list and I finally found it! I’m so excited.

Elfin saddle – elfin saddle mushroom

http://elfin saddle mushroom

There is a part of the riding saddle called the cantle. When they gave the mushroom the common name it was after a Greek mythological creature called a dryad, they are tree nymphs or tree spirits. These spirits reportedly fit and rode on these saddles. As you can see it is reminiscent of a saddle cantle. The cantle is the back of the seat that turns up to support the riders back side.

Cantle image

Maybe some day they will make a mushroom leather saddle, oh my! Talk about synchronicity in the universe. Mushroom leather saddle made out of the dryad mushroom to resemble the mushroom itself. I can’t.

So you can see my happily foraged dryads saddle and might think, “Well Sue, what do you do with that stuff?” Here is a picture of what that big thing turned into once I dehydrated it. It has many uses. If you find it young and supple it makes a fine meal or accompaniment to a meal. In the state that I found mine it was long past prime but that doesnt mean it isn’t useful. It makes a fine thickener for soups, stews and sauces once dried and pulverized. You can also make a tasteful mushroom broth. The mushroom itself has a bit of a nutty flavor and is quite pleasant

lots pf dryads saddle info

Here is a link to its medicinal properties from the website fungiwoman on a study in Romania where they believe it could be used in medicines, tinctures or other extracts. It has been used for centuries but science must make sure the old uses are not anecdotal

As I’ve said before and will likely say again, our bodies have receptors that the chemical makeup of a mushroom produce. We were meant to consume these for our own wellbeing.

Until next time, happy foraging and dont forget the mushrooms grow in winter too. My next post will be all about winter mushrooms.