Tag Archives: blog3

Return to Office Propaganda

Most of us who work in some type of office job have experienced the who work-from-home vs. in-office debate for the past three years since the COVID-19 Pandemic befell us. I, for one, have been a fervent proponent of remote work since the beginning, but I do acknowledge there are benefits to a hybrid model as well. However, I fully believe that no office job needs to be 100% in-person, and any company that disagrees is obsessed with control and worker exploitation. This is why EBN’s article, Gen Z wants the office experience — but are employers ready to invest? irked me. As an older member of Gen Z, and one of the few of my generation who did work in an office prior to the Pandemic, I wholeheartedly disagree.

First of all, none my fellow Gen Z-ers whom I know personally share the sentiment implied in the above article. They either work remotely and love it, or they are always on the hunt for a remote job. The only ones who don’t work remotely are those who work physically involved jobs that have no way to be done remotely, such as manufacturing or lab work. One of my closest friends is a young mom, and remote work has saved her from having to use PTO when her child is sick. Personally, remote work removes me from the high stress environment of office life, therefore allowing me to focus only on my job stressors from the comfort of my home. At the same time, I can get housework and other tasks done during down time so much more easily than I would after a long day and commute.

The Grass is Always Greener on the Other Side

The article acts as though companies are refusing to provide their employees with office space. Yes, some surveys have shown Gen Z want to go back to the office, but I fail to see how employers are not accommodating this. Every day, more and more offices are mandating return to office policies, remote job listings are going down. One of my previous employers (Rhymes with “Fells Wargo”) went back on their word of promising we could work from home permanently and acted like they never said so in the first place. There are more than enough opportunities to work in-office every day if desired. My first thought is that we should look at the root cause for Gen Z’s RTO dreams. Most of Gen Z did not have the chance to work in the office prior to Covid-19. They didn’t have the opportunity to become burnt out on office politics, drama, small-talk, flourescent lighting and bad coffee. When they think of the office, they associate it with comraderie and relationships that form from being around the same people five days a week. Unfortunately, Gen Z have been robbed from many social experiences due to the Pandemic and now romanticize what they missed out on. They will go back to the office until they no longer want to, then what?

What I find hilarious, is that companies seemed more than happy to support working from home during lockdowns, and even acted like it was here to stay, but the second lockdowns were over they slowly started pushing the RTO agenda. We all know this is due to them needing ROI for their real estate, but all of 2020 seemed to be one long promotion for remote work from the Fortune 500. I never saw articles about average Joe’s wanting to return to the office until recently, however. Suddenly, everyone, especially the newest generation of the workforce, agrees with whatever corporate America wants? Doubt it. Generation Z, the most activist, anti-work generation yet, want to make The Man happy? Nice try. The best part is that this article flips the narrative by making it seem like it’s the workers who want to return to office and are being oppressed by their employers, who won’t allow them to. I have yet to find a single company who has banned their employees from working in-office if they truly so desire.

So go on, Gen Z. I assure you, there are more than enough offices for you to work in, go have your fill. I, however, will be writing emails in my pajamas from the comfort of my couch.

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On December 1st there was a article on CNN titled “Women enable men like Matt Lauer and Charlie Rose.” I was disappointed before I even read the article. I believe it is a dangerous narrative. The article implies that some of the accusers enable these men and that some of these women have benefited from the harasser’s success, by getting promotions, recognition, and raises.

It’s wrong to imply even in the slightest way that harassed women are enablers. Most of those Women are in a male dominated system and there is a deeply embedded sexism structure here in the US. It’s already hard enough for women to even try to report abuse, because of the chances of prosecution being low.

Coming out to accuse someone in power is not anything easy. It takes a lot of courage and needs to be handled correctly. Yes, some of these women did not come out and accuse their harassers until years later, and the only question there is what is wrong with our system that doesn’t allow for a women to report the harassment right away. I was even more surprised with this article because it was written by a women.

With all these sexual harassment cases coming out, as a women that is disgusted by all these stories, we need to never accuse the victims in any way and realize it is not the womens fault.

CNN article:  http://www.cnn.com/2017/11/30/opinions/women-complicit-harassment-lauer-roxanne-jones-opinion/index.html










The Media’s Follow up to Matt Lauer Allegations

The Knife Media posted an article titled “The follow-up on Matt Lauer’s dismissal: Objection, irrelevant. The author Jens Erik Gould argued that the media’s follow up coverage on Lauer is wrong because it brings up information not related to his current allegations. He is complaining that Matt Lauer reputation is being damaged. He says his past behavior has nothing to do with the current allegations and that it is being used to spin the public. My opinion is that when you admit to inappropriate sexual behavior your past interactions are up for judgment.  For anybody that has been living under a rock for the last few weeks, Matt Lauer has been accused of inappropriate sexual behavior with colleagues. There have been multiple women come forward with one accusing him of sexual assault. He was fired from NBC and shortly after he offered an apology to the ladies he hurt. Although he said some of the allegations were false, he admitted that were enough truth in stories to make feel embarrassed and ashamed. He also acknowledged that he caused some pain by his words and actions. This sounds to me like an admission of guilt of some sort, although he did not say which allegations were true or false. Matt Lauer has been on televisions in homes across America for 20 years. After hearing him admit to some level of guilt for inappropriate sexual behavior, I think it is natural for people question past behavior that was overlooked. To many across the country, he is not the man most thought he was. I think there is now context to go along with some of his previous behavior. Everything from the ill advised sexual harassment jokes to taking his pants off on set,  I believe it is the viewing public’s right to look back and wonder about the actions of Matt Lauer.

Zoella’s blog


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Zoe Sugg. Hands down my favorite youtuber and has been since I started watching youtube years ago. Not only does she make youtube videos, but she also has her own makeup line and writes a lifestyle blog where she posts recipes, gives fashion advice and talks about things that are relevant in her life. As any youtuber, to have achieved everything that they have, they’ve had to do it all on their own at the beginning and work their way up the ladder. And even when they’re at the top they have to work extra hard to stay up there.

Don’t worry, this post isn’t just going to be about how much I love Zoe and absolutely everything she does (even though I could write a million blog posts about that, and probably will for future blogs)

For the third exercise (contributing to critical discourse: the analytical post) I am going to try to “criticize” her blog page. I chose to write about her’s because I wanted to give myself the challenge to find one single flaw lol.

If you go to Zoe’s blog, you’ll see that there is definitely a lot going on which I think is the one thing that I’m not completely excited about. Even though it is pretty organized, I find it a little hard to pick something to read. She used to have a different layout years ago where you wouldn’t have to click through different tabs to read her posts which made it a little easier to navigate. I think she leaves out a lot of opportunities for people to easily find her newest blog because if you go to the main page you’re not entirely sure which of her posts are the most recent.

I think she should also be a little more open about her struggles to getting where she is now, because we see the more glamorous side of her life and where she is now but she’s never really talked about how much hard work she had to do.

Zoe doesn’t write about anything controversial, but one of her blog posts talks about her dealing with her anxiety. If you know Zoe and have watched her from the start, you know that she has dealt with anxiety her whole life and since her fame started, it has gotten worse. A lot of people who love to criticize, have given her grief about her talking about her anxiety because they don’t think she should “complain” about it. When she talked about it in videos, it not only angered me that people were saying these things but you could tell how much it hurt her which is why she hadn’t talked about it for a long time. I think it’s incredibly brave to talk about mental illness, especially when you have such a big audience. If you wanted to read about her anxiety and how she’s dealt with it, pop on over to this blog post.

So there, I tried my best to criticize a blog. Maybe my mistake was choosing someone i admire because there is definitely going to be bias, but hey I’m not perfect!


paolasblog: @zoella has been such an inspiration for so many years so it’s only fair that I make an Instagram and blog post about her ❤️”





Much ado about not much of anything


The author of “What if climate change isn’t real” starts off by suggesting that only 95% of scientists believe in climate change … only 95%. Apparently, if at least 5% of experts disagree with something we should seriously question the validity of the other 95%.

Maybe the author is a one-percenter …

The subheader to the title of this piece is, “What should we do if science turns out to be wrong?” My first thought is, “nothing.” Who cares? I mean seriously, what is the worst case scenario of climate change not being a really, really big deal?

We live on a cleaner planet with less trash floating around in the ocean?

We have more options for fuel, which will increase supply and lower prices?

Yeah, sounds rough.


As it goes on, the blog does begin to redeem itself as it weighs the pros and cons of taking action to fight climate change. In the end, the author decides takes a “why not” attitude saying that we may as well go ahead and do something since the risks of climate change outweigh the risks of lack of climate change.

Overall, this whole blog is not well thought out and doesn’t really make any compelling arguments. It reads like something that was a required writing for school. The points are stretched and the logic is sketchy.