Can We Please Taco Bout This

Ok, so I am just going to come out and say this – I am obsessed with tacos. Like supercalifragilisticexpialidocious obsessed. It is without hesitation that I say, authentic tacos with cilantro and lime are and will always be my favorite food. I mean, chips, salsa, and a margarita are never far!

Well, I am working on my bikini bod because, ya know…SUMMER IS COMING. However, I refuse to give up tacos. So I went looking for a way to justify eating tacos as often as I do. Surprisingly enough, I was able to find some information on how tacos are a healthy option! Hallelujah.

Restaurant or fast food tacos can be full of fat and loaded with calories and aren’t even very filling, which can then lead you to consume more and more calories. BUT, tacos can be healthy if you do it right. You can make your tacos at home with fresh, nutritious ingredients. The health rating of a taco depends highly on the shell you choose. Lucky for me, I love a good non fried corn tortilla and that’s exactly what a “healthy” taco would include – corn tortillas are key to authentic tacos anyway, so I am golden on that front.

I  would like to give you a rundown on my point of view when it comes to this subject. A taco, if made the way I like, can cover a wide variety of food groups. The tortilla is your carb, yes you need carbs even when you are dieting. Pork (my preference) is your protein. Cilantro and lime are seriously a match made in heaven and are one of my most favorite combinations, add those and some avocado and you’ve got your veggies covered. Last but not least, some queso fresca – cheeeeeeeeeese! Which obviously covers your dairy. So there you have it, my take on how a taco is healthy.

The more authentic (aside from a corn tortilla being fried) the healthier a taco will be. Toss the flour tortilla, sour cream, the ortega, the ground beef and sodium packed seasonings. The simple yet delicious taco I described above is exactly what your diet needs if you are a taco lover and aren’t willing to give them up. You don’t have to! They even started a diet fad this past year called the taco cleanse, where the subject actually said she felt better and healthier after.

With all of this being said, my love for tacos is stronger than ever and I am not going to stop here.

Here are some examples of how far my love for tacos has gone. I have taco socks (courtesy of amazon, no not a cover for condoms). I did a tribute speech to THE TACO for a public speaking class a few semesters ago (awfully embarrassing when people were speaking about very meaningful and powerful people in their lives). I moved to Minneapolis across the street from one of my favorite Mexican restaurants EVER – La Fresca. I made Shane dress up as a taco for halloween a while back, taco bout a spicy taco…meeeeeeeow!!!


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