
“Remember that every time a man commits a violent act it only takes one or two steps to figure out how it’s a woman’s fault”.

Many victims are finally feeling some validation for the first time by posting #metoo on social media platforms.  Some men, unfortunately, are complaining that this movement should include men too.  I get that men can be victims as well; however, I’d like to give my two cents on what I think a better response could have been.  Stepping on my soap box now…

First off, stop belittling the situation by treating the #me too movement like it’s the newest fad.  Stop arguing with women about the fact that men can be victims too and own up to the patriarchal influence on treatment of women.  Stop patting yourself on the back for not acting like “those kind of guys”.  How about you take every opportunity possible to lift women up.  Don’t down talk them for breaking up with you or getting the position you wanted.  Stop the locker room “boy talk”.  Don’t allow the way a woman dresses to be an excuse for the disgusting way a “man” treats her.  Why are women expected to change to be respected by men?  Men should respect women regardless.

Instead of complaining about a movement that is helping so many people feel empowered to speak up, why don’t you start a movement for change to hold men to a higher standard?

“Women can turn the whole internet into a list of “Me toos,” but it won’t make a difference until men ― all men ― acknowledge how they perpetuate misogyny and commit to making a change.”

I fight for this change not only for myself, but for my two beautiful daughters.  They deserve better.

#blog4 #metoo

1 thought on “#MeToo

  1. 😀 funny. I wrote my blog#4 on violence too.. except from a man’s perspective. I truly believe that domestic violence is a two way street. come read and comment your thoughts on mine when you get a chance

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