Surviving a road trip with a toddler! These are the things you need!

Sticker books

Sticker Books are a must have in my world! My daughter will play with them for hours! There is only so much you can do to entertain them in the car! My favorite sticker books are the Melissa and Doug ones. They are easy for them to get the stickers off, and they are reusable which is even better. The cost is low as well so if you are on a budget these are a great option. The one draw back is it does say for ages 3+ however I just make sure I watch her close!

Water wow books!

I also love these! Like the sticker books they are no mess! Thank Goodness because when you are on a road trip the last thing you want is a disaster. I would highly recommend them! They keep my daughter entertained and you can use them over and over again! These are also really good products! Melissa and Doug make really high quality stuff. Another awesome thing with these is they also will not break the bank! These are also listed as ages 3+


Some people may not agree with me on this, but for us the tablet is much needed for a long road trip. Sometimes mom just needs a break and it’s super nice to be able to hand it to her if things are not going well. There are tons of games you can download otherwise there are shows and movies. Some people have a specific tablet for their child. We share one, and it has worked out really well for us! Below is the link to the one we have.


I try to make sure I bring healthy easy snacks on our road trips! I do try to mostly shop at Aldi as to stay within my grocery budget. Here are a few of out favorites!

Yogurt bites

Chocolate covered rasins

Cut up grapes

Food pouches


Don’t forget to take breaks along the way! It will help your child to have time to stretch their legs and get some energy out. We always plan for it to take twice as long as normal in order to get where we are going! I would rather give more time and end up there early! This is something I learned from experience!

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