Writing… is kinda Difficult

I don’t know about many of you, but writing sounds easy, but isn’t.

I often have found myself, not even in school, but in the day-to-day, struggling to put my thoughts on paper. For me, it takes a TON of time to contemplate what I want to say, and then I end up struggling with what exactly I was trying to say and how to say it correctly? Connecting with me here?

For the purpose of this blog, I’m assuming that others reading this (if you actually end up reading this, wow, good on you!) possibly also struggle with putting words onto paper (or screen). So, to throw everyone out there a bone, I went and did what others, who struggle mightily, do: googled how to write, or at least ease the process of writing.


Sure, all your writing anxiety hasn’t suddenly disappeared after reading a blog about a blog that has to do with writing as well, but I do hope it gives you all some ray of hope. Writing is NOT impossible. Writing CAN be done! And WOW, would you look at that, I ended up writing all of this in a span of literally 5 minutes. Time to do some editing.


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