Vegans are Biased

I Love Vegan

Would you expect a blog called “I Love Vegan” to talk about vegan related topics? Likely. Would you expect that blog to bash those who aren’t vegan? Also likely. It seems that when we take a stance on our lifestyle choices, we get defensive toward those who aren’t living the same way and toward those who disagree with out choices.

The author of a vegan blog is going to want to write about veganism, which is great for someone looking for information about veganism. There is definitely an audience for this blog, however, those who believe that veganism is “hippie-nonsense” might stumble upon the blog and want to argue. The blogger along with the blog followers are going to be quick to fight back against a non-vegan critic. There is a community within this blog that doesn’t want to be attacked by anyone outside of their safe little community. The logic behind this type of blog is sound, although there is bias from the blogger who is praising the vegan lifestyle. If the blogger is choosing to not talk about the health benefits of eating meat, then that’s just the way it is. But that’s also the beauty of blogging. Blogs create communities for people to share whatever information they want to share all while supporting each other through the process.

I think blogs are more persuasive if they are somewhat biased. If you aren’t passionate about your opinions and trying to convince me to change my opinions, then what are you writing for? Blogs are some of the best places to be biased. A Facebook status doesn’t have the same supportive community. A vegan writing their “All Meat Eaters Will Rot In Hell” speech will probably find better acceptance through their personal blog, anyway.

1 thought on “Vegans are Biased

  1. Agreed. Blogs have a bit more room to be biased because I think the readers are already there to support what they want to hear. On Facebook, it can be more tricky to put your opinion out there bluntly without getting attacked.I doubt that many meat eaters would bother to spend a lot of time reading a vegan blog.

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