A Road trip to Maryland

This is my life! My life is embedded with the philosophy to helping society and giving back to humanity is what holistically defines me and I love doing what I do. As a community leader working with Liberian immigrant community in the Twin Cities, we gather each year at a designated state, raise funds and purchase instructional and medical supplies for under-privileged children in Liberia. As a person, I feel the world is meaningless IF we as human beings knowingly and unknowingly fail to be our brother’s keepers. We’re on a road to trip to one of our annual conventions in the state of Maryland and I leading this team.

My health rejoices!!

Have you ever felt really good when someone smiles because of what you’ve done for them especially when all hope is gone and you show up and put an unexpected smile on the person face? Have you ever? It’s fun and therapeutically benefitting.


According to research, the physical benefits that come with helping are enormous.

  • It reduces stress. Doing things for others helps maintain good health. …
  • It helps get rid of negative feelings. Negative emotions such as anger, aggression or hostility have a negative impact on our mind and body. …
  • It can help us live longer. Giving and helping others may increase how long we live.

This’s my little girl, Gloria at a nursing home in Maplewood where we volunteer our time helping older folks. Gloria is about to play some songs.

You feel good!!

When you give back to society this what happens!! You’re excited and full of fun and laughter.


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