Cycling is Good for Your Health and Your Planet

Did you know that just simply riding a bike cannot only add years and quality to your life but our planet too? When I was in my twenties I didn’t think or unfortunately care about these things. When it came to my health I was playing in sports and had a metabolism that “wouldn’t quit” so weight loss or high blood pressure was the last thing on my mind. As a matter of fact I use to make “Weight Gainer” shakes to try to put on pounds 😊. In addition, the whole “save the planet” thing was (in my mind) other people’s job. But now that I am older and much wiser, I wholeheartedly believe in protecting our planet and bodies inside and out. So,

How can Biking save our planet?

Well, every time you start up your vehicle and the exhaust releases into the atmosphere you are poisoning our planet. Automobile exhaust in addition to other pollutants is a combination of “carbon monoxide, nitrogen, and Hydrocarbons.”  These lethal gases are all bad for the planet and run havoc on our atmosphere and the ozone layer. Which according to the Department of Environment and Energy is a “concentration of ozone that is found in the stratosphere around 15–30km above the earth’s surface. It covers the entire planet and protects life on earth…” So as these pollutants build up, they are creating unhealthy ozone levels and toxins that pollute the air and erode this protective layer endangering our lives and planet Earth. To read and learn more about Ozone click here

Now you are probably asking yourself what’s in it for me?

Well, other than saving the planet that keeps you alive. Did you know that just simply riding a bike 10 mph (which is not that strenuous) for an hour you burn over 260 calories? Also, this exercise does amazing things for your overall core and cardiovascular system. Most of my adult life I’ve always been a runner I would run up to 6 miles a day and participate in races during the summer. And while running was very healthy for my cardiovascular system and also helped me “save the planet” I noticed as I got older, I begin to have issues with my knees from the running on concrete paths and most likely the lack of quality shoes.  

So, to save on my knees and just simply do something different I went out and bought a bike a couple of years ago and just started riding. In the beginning I wouldn’t go very far or fast because I was just getting use to the change in activities but once I was used to it, I began increasing my miles and speed.  Now I do about 100 miles a week and noticed an improvement in my core, cardio, and leg strength. Also, my knee pane has significantly decreased.

The time is now so get involved!

So, now that you know how you can help save the planet it’s time to do your part and start cycling! Minnesota has several paths, parks, and challenges that not only can get you to where you want to go “without driving” but help you become a better you!  

If you would like to learn more and be more proactive with protecting the earth click here

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