Why You Should Cut Back on Social Media.

Social media are in our everyday life, and is most likely in everything we do. We spend most of our day in social media to socialize with others, to promote products, follow celebrities, get more likes, and much more. Some of us can even be using it for time consuming and we see ourselves on social media without realizing that we’re doing it, such as when we’re eating, in the bathroom, before we fall asleep, and even the first thing when we wake up. 

We became so obsessed with our phones that we’re on them most of the day. People are using their phones to go on social media sites like Instagram, Facebook, and Snapchat while they’re working and even when driving, making it a truly life threatening thing. Data has been collected showing the people check their smartphones up to 150 times each day! (Source: Hackensack Meridian Health) It also showed that depression symptoms increased for people who used Facebook the most. What can we take away from this? 

It is evident that there are downsides to social media use. It’s not too late though! 

There are some ways that you can save yourself from social media addiction.

  1. Turn off the screens and silence devices at least one hour before bedtime.
  2. Use apps like screen monitoring to track your use of mobile devices and social media.
  3. Keep in mind that what people post on social media is only the best parts of their day/life. They don’t post the mundane and ordinary parts of their day. So don’t let yourself get caught comparing your “ordinary” life to the “perfect” life they present to the world online. (Cause it’s probably not real!)

I hope that these few simple tips help you to cut back on your use of social media, and make the time you spend using social media more healthy.

2 thoughts on “Why You Should Cut Back on Social Media.

  1. Hey Sam! I’m glad that you addressed this because this is something that I feel like some of us are afraid to admit that we have a problem doing!! I remember having to deactivate some of my social networks just so I can focus on more important things in my life. I would get so caught up with what everyone else was doing on social network that I’d forget about my own life. Like literally waking up out of bed the first thing I would do is check my phone and go on facebook, twitter, or instagram, but as I’ve gotten older it has been much easier to manage my time on social media! Great blog!

  2. (Sorry I didn’t realize I was logged into our group blog page when I posted the comment!) LOL

    Hey Sam! I’m glad that you addressed this because this is something that I feel like some of us are afraid to admit that we have a problem doing!! I remember having to deactivate some of my social networks just so I can focus on more important things in my life. I would get so caught up with what everyone else was doing on social network that I’d forget about my own life. Like literally waking up out of bed the first thing I would do is check my phone and go on facebook, twitter, or instagram, but as I’ve gotten older it has been much easier to manage my time on social media! Great blog!

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