Tag Archives: Metropolitan State University

Relieve Finals Week Stress…

So, it’s finals week.

If you are anything like me, you are driving yourself crazy; finishing up stuff that you know you shouldn’t have put off; eating poorly; and avoiding sleep.

Screen Shot 2016-04-30 at 2.08.21 AMThere are a variety of different stress relief methods which I have found to be effective to varying degrees. While some have been much less helpful to me, one has been exceedingly beneficial in helping me maintain my sanity during this high stress time of year.

I thought that this would be a prime opportunity for me to share one of the stress relievers that has been most helpful, in my experience…


The Mayo Clinic has published this guide to meditation on their website which clearly and succinctly explains what meditation is, several different types of meditation, and a step by step guide to the process and improving meditation skills. Follow these helpful tips and remember, we will get through this and be better equipped for it.

I hope that you find it useful.

What do you think?
Tell me in the comments section below.

Taking Charge of YOUR Education!

As Students of Metropolitan State University, we share a common interest in our educational goals. MnSCU (Minnesota State Colleges & Universities) is the State organization which assesses and allocates funds to each Minnesota college and university. They also oversee the policy and operations of the public four-year and two-year higher education institutions in Minnesota.

Screen Shot 2016-04-30 at 7.46.53 AMThe good news is that as students we have advocates working on our behalf to encourage policy makers – at both the state and federal level – to improve legislation and funds allocations to benefit students and lower the costs of attendance and associated living expenses. This advocacy influences the operations of MnSCU; therefore, each individual institution of higher learning; and subsequently you!

Students attending one of the twenty-four public two-year colleges in Minnesota are represented by MSCSA – the Minnesota State College Student Association.

At the four-year public Universities in Minnesota, students are represented by MSUSA – the Minnesota State University Student Association.

Both of these groups are non-profits who by law are entitled to collect a fee from all students to fund their advocacy work. MSCSA collects $0.35 per credit hour. MSUSA collects $0.43 per credit hour.

These fees are automatically calculated into our costs of attendance paid to the school. Therefore, it is critical that we utilize the resources that we are paying for.

Now, I know as students we typically hate paying for anything additional that we can imagine doing without. These fees are worth every penny! They are directly related to the tuition freeze that we currently have in Minnesota. As an alumnus of MSCSA, I can speak to the hard work and dedicated effort with which numerous students volunteer and the time and dedication the staff apply to train students in leadership and advocacy. I worked first hand as the elected platform representative of the seven colleges in North Western Minnesota to develop a platform for the association which represented the views and needs of that demographic.

Only you can ensure that you are represented well.

Each college and university sends delegates from each institution through their student government organization, to represent their school. Here at Metro State, we are represented by a diverse group of students who should be working to represent you. You have the right to attend the public meetings and speak to your student representatives about the issues that are important to you and your experience as a student at Metro.

I encourage you to do so!

Here is how:
You can contact Metro State’s Student Senate Here.
You can also find out when to attend Student Senate meetings Here.


What do you think?
Tell me in the comment section below.