Procrastinators Unite!…Tomorrow

top ten reasons

Ahhhh. It is finals week! Which brings one of my favorite parts of school: the tangible camaraderie among fellow procrastinating students.  Please do not let the irony of this situation escape you. My last blog post, posted at the last minute, which I had ALL semester to complete, is about procrastination. I chose this topic for two reasons: 1) My brain is fried and I couldn’t come up with an intelligent topic, and 2) I found myself looking up procrastination memes while procrastinating to work on this assignment. As I laughed out loud for an embarrassing amount of time at the following pie chart about procrastination…


…I realized that there has to be a handful of other people in the same boat as me that could use a good laugh and reassurance that we aren’t terrible people.

Procrastination Isn’t All Bad

My time-wasting while avoiding this assignment led me to a few promising articles that say that procrastination can actually be helpful. I’m not sure how credible the opinions are, or if they’re based on any respectable research or reasons, but I accept them as truth because Stephanie Rozza’s “6 Reasons to Embrace Procrastination” made me feel a little better about my life. I particularly love her point that “structured procrastinators” get more done. It’s true! I will clean my entire house, pay my bills, organize my closets, and alphabetize the soup cans just to feel too busy to work on an assignment that I know I still have time for. Those are all things that I would never get done if I wasn’t procrastinating on something else. An amusing YouTube video (also found while procrastinating on writing this blog post) perfectly demonstrates how this happens:

I think if you’re still reading this, chances are that you are that guy as much as I am.

More Procrastination Gold

Ron B

If you’re starting to feel better about your terrible life decisions in completing your homework and papers, I have a few more things that will help before I leave you so that I can get my stuff done. BuzzFeed, which is another incredible place to go when you need to not do your work, has a few great roundups about procrastination that will leave you saying, “Yaaasssssssss.” Check them out whenever you have a looming deadline for a project you should be working on:

22 Tweets About Procrastination That Will Make You LOL


22 Times Tumblr Told the Truth About Procrastination

Good luck to all of you who are reading this right now instead of finishing your assignments you saved for the last minute! Just remember, procrastination is like an unfinished analogy, and an unfinished analogy is

3 thoughts on “Procrastinators Unite!…Tomorrow

  1. Hey Steph,

    Great post! I can completely relate, because I am also “one of those guys” you mentioned. I would comment more, but I have to get to the work I have been putting off by reading other blog posts.



  2. That video pretty perfectly sums up what I’ve been doing this semester. After spending ten minutes trying to decide which music would be best to procrastinate to, I ended up procrastinating some more and watched the video until I could decide. Well done.

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